By streamlining the verification process and ensuring accurate authentication, vLEI enhances operational efficiency, compliance, and trustworthiness for organizations and institutions.
vLEI offers a standardized, globally recognized identifier backed by LEI, combining identification and authentication, enhancing trust, efficiency, and security in digital transactions.
Organizations can obtain vLEI credentials for their representatives in Official Organizational Roles (OOR) or Engagement Context Roles (ECR), providing versatile authentication.
Organizations can engage with Qualified vLEI Issuers (QVIs) like vLEI By Nord, leveraging our expertise and reputation in issuing verifiable legal entity identifiers.
With positive reception from institutions like the European Banking Authority and strong support from GLEIF, vLEI is expected to gain momentum and widespread adoption.
vLEI has applications in verifiable corporate documentation, digital finance, trade finance, supply chain management, and any scenario requiring secure and verified organizational identity.
vLEI's adoption as a standard for legal entity identification positions it for global recognition, ensuring digital credential reuse for international initiatives.
Designed to scale and adapt to future standards, vLEI leverages the KERI protocol for enhanced key management and security, backed by GLEIF's expertise.
vLEI supports modern technical networks, enhancing interoperability and security, while providing control over credential management by organizations.
By leveraging the established Global LEI System, vLEI establishes a global digital trust framework, adhering to the Zero Trust Architecture principle, ensuring cost efficiency and trust.
vLEI enables efficient management within organizations by allowing flexible internal workflow management, including the assignment or transfer of authority.
vLEI ensures accurate authentication of entities by backing each vLEI with an underlying LEI, guaranteeing trust and reliability in digital transactions.
GLEIF manages the vLEI system, authorizing Qualified vLEI Issuers (QVIs) to issue vLEIs to organizations and their representatives in official or functional roles.
vLEI utilizes verifiable credentials, ACDC specification, KERI protocol, and CESR capabilities to create a binding link between organizations and representatives, ensuring tamper-resistant verification.
The vLEI, or Verifiable Legal Entity Identifier, is a digital organizational identity developed within the Global Legal Entity Identifier System (GLEIS) framework to automate authentication and verification of legal entities globally.
vLEI addresses the necessity for clear organizational identity essential for security, compliance, and trust in various interactions, spanning B2B, B2C, and public-private sectors.
The vLEI was developed by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), established by the Financial Stability Board in June 2014.
vLEI offers a secure, efficient, and universally recognized identifier leveraging verifiable credentials and open standards, enabling automated verification processes globally.
Current systems suffer from manual interventions, disparate standards, lack of interoperability, and reliance on outdated models, leading to inefficiencies and security vulnerabilities.